Quotes Of Angel

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cordelia: I didn't know you were in L.A.; are you living here?
Angel: Yeah... You?
Cordelia: Malibu. A small condo on a beach. It's not a private beach, but, you know, I'm young, so I forbear.
Tina: Well, it was nice threatening you.
Doyle: You know, there's a lot of people in this city need helping.
Angel: So I noticed.
Doyle: You game?
Angel: I'm game.
Tina: I came here to be a famous movie star. But, they weren't hiring.
Angel: Okay, you've told me the story of my life which, since I was there, I already knew... Why aren't I kicking you out?
Angel: I don’t get a lot of visitors.
Tina: (looks at the weapons hanging on the walls) At least not ones you like.
Angel: I have relationship issues, too.

Doyle: Say you wouldn’t have a beer of any kind in here, would you?
Angel: No.
Doyle: Come on, you must have something besides pig’s blood!
Cordelia: I thought I was going to faint while barfing.
Angel: You want to charge people?
Cordelia: Well not everybody, but sooner or later we are going to have to help some rich people, right?
Cordelia: I was just saying that if we're going to be helping people out, maybe a small charge. A fee. You know, something to help pay the rent. And... my salary. You need someone to organize things and you're not exactly rolling in it Mr. "I-Was-Alive-for-200-Years and Never-Developed-an-Investment-Portfolio."
Doyle: What happened to Russell?
Angel: He went into the light.
Doyle: Well, listen, best of luck to ya man. I've got some fairly large coin riding on the Vikings tonight, but I'll be there with you in spirit, yeah?
Angel: You're driving.
Doyle: Wait a minute! No, no! I'm not combat ready, man. I'm just the messenger!
Angel: And I'm the message.
Cordelia: I am somebody. I matter. People will be attracted to my positive energy and help me achieve my goals. I'm right where I'm supposed to be and not dying for something to eat!
Goon: You get in his way, he'll kill you. He'll kill everyone you care about.
Angel: There's no one left I care about.
Tina: I guess this is the part where you "comfort" me. Not that you didn't earn it.
Angel: No, this is the part where you have a safe place to stay until we figure things out.
Tina: You mean you don't want to...
Angel: You have enough people trying to take advantage of you right now.
(Angel has a gun on a hired goon)
Stacy: You know, I don't think you're going to use that thing.
(Angel punches him and knocks him out)
Angel: Good call.
Cordelia: Well, I better get mingly. I really should be talking to people that are somebody. But it was fun!
Angel: It's nice that she's grown as a person.
Angel: Why me?
Doyle: Because you've got potential, and the balance sheet ain't exactly in your favor yet.
Angel: Then why you?
Doyle: We all got something to atone for.
Doyle: But he's cut off, from everything. From the people he's trying to help.
Angel: I still save 'em. Who cares if I don't stop to chat?
Oliver: You're an actor.
Angel: No.
Oliver: That wasn't a question. I'm Oliver. Ask anyone about Oliver. They'll tell you I'm a fierce animal. I'm your manager as soon as you call.
Angel: I'm not an actor.
Oliver: Funny. I like the humor. I like the whole thing. Call me. This isn't a come on. I'm in a very serious relationship with a landscape architect.
Doyle: I've been sent. By the Powers That Be.
Angel: Powers that be what?
Angel: Have you guys seen my car? It's big... and uh... shiny.
Vampire: (grabs Angel) Piss off, pal.
Angel: (smells the vampire's breath) Ugh..breath mint?
Cordelia: A cockroach! In the corner! I think it's a bantamweight!
Angel: Why would a woman I don't know want to talk to me?
Doyle: Have you looked in a mirror lately? Well, no, I guess you haven't.
Russell: Look at me. I pay my taxes, I keep my name out of the paper, and I don't make waves. In return I can do anything I want.
Angel: Really? Can you fly? (throws Russell out of skyscraper. He catches fire and turns to dust.)
Angel: Hmm. Guess not.
Angel: (making tea) Do you take milk and sugar?
Tina: Yeah.
Angel: ...because I don't have those things.
Angel: So are you, uh, happy?
Tina: What?

Wesley: Angel, are you certain about this? A burial isn't necessary for a newly made vampire.
Angel: It would be for Drusilla. She's a classicist.
Cordelia: She's a loony.
Angel: Forget mausoleums. Stick with cemeteries, something with a view of the night sky.
Cordelia: So, just outside cemeteries, then?
Drusilla: You have beautiful skin.
Lilah: I moisturize.
Drusilla: That was very thoughtful of you.
Drusilla: Oh. I'm ringing. - Do you hear it? I'm ringing - all - over! (Darla grabs the phone) Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.
Lindsey: Can she hear you?
Drusilla: She's dead
Angel: We've got to find Darla.
(Angel looks in cabinet)
Gunn: She probably ain't in there.
Lilah: For God's sake help us.
Holland: Angel, please. People are going to die.
Angel: And yet, somehow, I just can't seem to care. (Angel closes the wine cellar doors.)
Drusilla: It's not daddy. It's never daddy. Sss! It's the Angel-beast.
Darla: Come to punish us?
Drusilla: Yeah. Yeah. Spank us till Tuesday. Rrr! We promise to be bad if you do.
Angel: I can crush the life out of you before they lift a finger.
Holland: I'm sure you can, just as sure as I am that you won't.
Angel: Won't I?
Holland: You don't kill humans.
Angel: You don't qualify.
Wesley: And you - just walked away?
Angel: No, I walked to my car and then I drove away.
Wesley: The three of us are the only things standing between you and real darkness.
Gunn: You best believe that, man.
Angel: I do... you're all fired.
Wesley: (Darla's) dead already, and come nightfall she will rise again.
Angel: (pulling out a stake) No she won't, I can save her from that.
Darla: Dru, honey, in our new digs, we have to put in a people cellar.
Angel: You set things in motion, play your little games up here in your glass and chrome tower, and people die, innocent people.
Holland: And yet, I just can't seem to care.
Angel: I'd be careful who you offer your hand to, Mr. Manners. You might just lose it. Isn't that right, Lindsey?
Lorne: Hey Angel, I think Connor needs some papa love.
Angel: He needs a lot of things. All day, every day.
Lorne: Yeah thats kinda how kids... (Angel interrupts)
Angel: Connor needs a bath, Connor needs a bottle. What Connor needs is to grow up.
Lorne: Something wrong?
Angel: Gosh, no Lorne everything's just great. I got a kid that cries, pees, moans and never gives me a moment to myself.
(Connor starts crying)
Lorne: Oh, it's all right.
Angel: It's really not. Connor shut up!
Fred: Don't yell at him. He's just a baby.
Angel: He keeps it up, he's not gonna be a baby for long. (throws glass of blood)
(Angel passes Connor to Wesley)
Angel: Take him. Yeah, it's alright, it's your Uncle Wes. He loves you bunches. He's just... English.
Lilah: How'd you find me?
Angel: Your assistant.
Lilah: I'll have his arms broken.
Angel: Already taken care of.
Holtz: (to Angel, about Connor) He'll be dead before I hit the ground.
Angel: I know.
Angel: (to armed Wolfram & Hart men) Your bullets won't kill me, but mine will kill you.
Angel: Yeah and you look like hell. Not the fun one where they burn you with hot pokers for all eternity...but the hard-core one...you know, Nixon and Britney Spears?
Angel: You know, Lilah--there are so many things I could do to you. With transfusions I could keep you alive indefinitely. I do have some expertise in this area.
Justine: What you're about to do to your friend. I imagine it's easier to hate Holtz than yourself.
Wesley: There's enough to go around for both him and me.

Wesley: We need you.
Faith: Well... Hate to wet the paper for you Wes, but I'm kind of unavailable right now. Maybe you wanna check back in a few decades when my parole comes up! (edit)
Connor: Magic again. You people rely way to much on that junk.
Wesley: We use whatever tools we have.
Connor: Yeah, only it never really works the way it's supposed to. (edit)
Wesley: Do you really think that's what I was thinking?
Imaginary Lilah: Honey, I'm not even here. I'm just a figment of your devilishly handsome brain. So, obviously, it's what you were thinking. (edit)
(After the beast is killed)
Angelus: Ahh...crap. You mean killing the beast really brings back the sun? I thought that was Angel's retarded fantasy. (edit)
Angelus: And I don't like being kept in the dark...well, figuratively anyway (edit)
Angelus: And if you're boss was half as smart as he thinks he is, he knows I won't take orders from a lackey.
Beast: (growls)
Angelus: You don't like lackey? How about uh; toady? or lickspittle? Ahh, lickspittle's nice. Oh wait, I got it, flunky! That's it! You're just a big, stupid, but ugly, slow moving, flunky! (edit)
Faith: Hey, nobody make a move, until I...
(Vampire that looks a lot like Angelus jumps at Conner, he decapitates him)
Faith: (pushing Conner against a wall) Are you deficient? (edit)
Angelus: Smile, Faith, thought you'd enjoy a threesome! (edit)
Faith: (after Wesley's test) It's like riding a biker. (edit)
(Some members of the fang gang spot Angelus feeding on Lilah)
Angelus: Ah, guys. It's not what it looks like. (Looks down at Lilah and then back up) She was kinda tarty anyway. Know what I mean, Wes? (edit)
Cordy: Faith! What the hell is she doing here?
Faith: Nice to see you too, Cor.
Wes: She's here to help.
Cordy: Oh gee, uh, that's great oh, wait a sec, wasn't she convicted of murder and sent to a state correctional facility for like a gazillion years?
Faith: Murder 2, 25 years to life. For the record.
Cordy: So now you brought psycho Slayer out of retirement to kill Angelus? (edit)
Faith: Are you a murderer? Cause I am. (edit)
Lorne: We followed the recipe. Should be cake. (edit)
Connor: How long does it take to chop off Lilah's head? (edit)
Prison Guard: (to Faith) Hey, caught us by suprise. I mean, who'd be crazy enough to try to take you out? (edit)
Faith: Can I ask, what the hell have you people been doing? (edit)
Wes:..I've changed my mind.
Connor:Change it back! (edit)
Cordelia: A weakness for Slayers. You really are his son. (edit)
Lilah: That body's not going to dismember itself, you know. (edit)
Demon: (to Angelus) Whoa! You're him. Talking to me. Not usually impressed by vampires, but this is such an honor. Hey, could you sign a little something to my hellspawn? Make it out to Ashley. (edit)
Angelus: That's right, brothers and sisters - the rumors are true. Angel has left the building and I am back. But hey, I'm no different from the next guy. I put my victim's skin on one leg at a time. (edit)
Cordelia: Isn't she supposed to be in prison for like, a gazillion years? (edit)
Connor: I know what I have to do! Angel told me if anything happened to kill him.
Lorne: Oh! Now you listen to him! (edit)
Faith: Are you ok?
Wesley: Five by five! (edit)
Angelus: Hi Dawn! Yeah, it's me! Is your Sister home? She is...
(hangs up the phone)
Angelus: (to himself) Pfew, it's the other one. (edit)
Angelus: Smile Faith, thought you'd enjoy a threesome.

Lindsey: You know, all my carefully laid out plans, my designs...when you get right down to it, this is pretty sweet, too, huh? Reason enough for me to come back. You, me, fight to the death. (points his sword at Angel) Yours. (edit)
Harmony: I can't believe you're here!
Cordelia: Likewise. Especially since the last time I saw you, you tried to kill me.
Angel: Um, Harmony, she's actually, she... she's my secretary.
Cordelia: Oh. Well, things just keep getting better and better.
Harmony: I know! You and me together again. So, how was the coma? (edit)
Cordelia:(to Spike) Heard you weren’t evil anymore, which kinda makes the hair silly.
(Vamps Out)
Cordelia: Uh, or nice. (edit)
Cordelia: Oh, my God. Gunn? You have hair.
Gunn: Oh. Heh! Yeah. What’d you think, I was prematurely bald?
Gunn: I wasn’t. (edit)
Cordelia:(to Angel referring to her roommate) That chick’s in rough shape. You’d think they’d give Miss One-foot-in-the-grave a private room. Which brings me to-- Hey! Couldn’t you stick me someplace that smells a little less like ammonia-soaked death? (edit)
Cordelia: (to Angel) You sold your soul to the Devil!
Angel: I did not!
(Izzy, a Devil look-alike, walks by)
Izzy: (to Angel) Are we still on for racquetball tomorrow? (edit)
Spike: (to zombies) Why so down? We're all dead men here. (edit)
Cordelia: Doyle pissed me off so righteously going out like that. But he knew. He knew what he had to do, didn't compromise. Gave his last breath to make sure you'd keep fighting. I get that now. (edit)
Angel: The thing that really pisses me off is this guy seems to be going by the name of Doyle.
Eve: Doesn't ring a bell.
Cordelia: Well it does to me! It rings a big frickin' gong! And I wanna know who has the nerve to be using that name. (edit)
Angel: All those tattoos, all those new tricks you've learned... just don't matter. Doesn't matter what you try. Doesn't matter where I am or how badass you think you've become. 'Cause you know what? I'm Angel. I beat the bad guys. (edit)
Angel: I remember when we first met. You put on a show. Told how I couldn't touch your client.
Lindsey: Then you pushed him out of a window. (edit)
Cordelia: (turns to face Angel) I can't stay. This isn't me anymore. You can say good-bye to the gang for me, explain everything once you understand.
Angel: That's gonna be never. (walks toward her) I need you here.
Cordelia: (with tears in her eyes) Don't make it hard, Angel. I'm just on a different road...and this is my off-ramp. The Powers That Be owed me one, and I didn't waste it. I got my guy back on track.
Angel: Cordy, there's just—
Cordelia: (touches his face) We take what we can get, champ, and we do our best with it. I'll be seeing you. (smiles through her tears, turns to walk out of the office, stops, turns around, walks quickly up to Angel) Oh, what the hell. One for the road?
(kisses Angel, but moments later, the telephone rings)
Angel: You know, um...I don't...I don't need to get that.
Cordelia: (tenderly straightens his tie) That you have to get. (Angel walks toward the phone) Oh...and you're welcome. (edit)
Eve: You really think you have any control over my comings and goings? Well...you did have a way with my comings at the halloween party.
Cordelia: Oh, so you two are groin buddies? And I thought Darla was rock bottom. (edit)
Cordy: I naturally assumed you'd be lost with me, but this?
Angel: I am lost without you.
Cordy: You just forgot who you are.
Angel: Remind me. (edit)
Cordy: (about Lindsey's dissapearing tattoos) Sweetie, your epidermis is showing. (edit)
Codelia: Oh...and you're welcome.
Angel: (answers the phone)
Hello. Yes, I know. She's...but that's impossible. She's standing right—
(turns to look for Cordelia, but she's not there, he becomes visibly upset)
I'm sorry. Yeah.
(choking up)
When did she die? Did she, um...she never did wake up? I see.
(hangs up, looks out to where Cordelia was standing moments earlier)
Thank you. (edit)
Cordelia: Okay, this is getting us nowhere. Angel, torture her.
Angel: (confused) What?
Eve: (panicked) What?
Cordelia: You heard me. Building clearing out means we don't have a lot of time. Have at it.
Angel: I can't just... torture her.
Fred: He's right, Cordy. If we sink to their level—
(From out of nowhere, Harmony tackles Eve, knocking her into Angel's desk with a primal grunt.)
Angel: Harmony!
Harmony: (stands up, grabbing Eve by the neck)
(to Angel) Is this Okay? I mean, I am evil, technically. I don't mind torturing her for the team.
Angel: Yeah. Okay. (edit)
Cordelia: And you called this guy the big hero?
Spike: (to Angel) You called me a hero?
Angel: I didn't know you were eating people. (edit)
Angel: He's a Wolfram & Hart client. Our client. Oh, and he's evil. What are the odds? (edit)
Eve: You weren't home upstairs. Didn't think you'd mind me using your private elevator.
Angel: Eve, I mind you breathing. Get out. (edit)
Lorne: Well, I'm thinking sea breeze, compadres. I gave up a lot of blood for this gig.
Harmony: And I didn't get any. I kept begging Eve to run, but... (edit)
Lorne: (to Cordelia) Hey, listen, crumbcake, when you're ready to splash back into that acting pool, just say the word. I'll have you lunching with Colin Farrell like that.
Cordelia: Who's Colin Farrell? (edit)
Angel: Harmony, she's talking.
Harmony: She is? Already? That sucks! (edit)
Lindsey: Redemption? Isn't that your whole deal?
Angel: People don't Change.
(He throws a punch at Lindsey, who catches it and throws Angel across the room. Angel looks back at Lindsey in amazement.)
Lindsey: I Did. (edit)
Spike: She's evil, you gormless tit!
Cordelia: Excuse me? Who bit whom?
Angel: Did you call me a tit?
Cordelia: I thought he had a soul.
Spike: I thought she didn't.
Cordelia: I do.
Spike: So do I.
Cordelia: Well, clearly mine's better. (edit)
Angel: I'm not gonna risk anybody I care about.
Spike: I'll go.
Angel Okay. (edit)
Fred: Oh God.
Wesley: I think God is out at the moment. (edit)
Angel: Harmony, guard Eve. If she moves, eat her.
Harmony: Really? Thanks! (edit)
Lorne: Why can't it ever call for unclean urine? I've got plenty of unclean urine. (sees knife) Look -- I think I'm making some right now. (edit)
Cordelia: Spike's a hero and you're CEO of hell incorporated. What freakin' bizzaro world did I wake up in? (edit)
Angel: (to Eve) Can we have a word with you Eve?
Eve: Now really isn't a good time.
(Cordelia grabs Eve by the ear)
Cordelia: Let's go, Lilah junior